The intellectual game on geology and sports competitions have ended
The winners of sports competitions were determined, aimed at further strengthening the desire and desire for sports in youth, the principles of a healthy lifestyle in society, and the continuous involvement of young geologists in the field in sports training.
In accordance with the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 26, 2018 No. 509, in order to adequately celebrate the “day of employees of the geological sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan”and to implement the state policy on the “year of support for youth and strengthening of public health”of 2021, the “intellectual game of Geology” and sports competitions
The winners of sports competitions were determined, aimed at further strengthening the desire and desire for sports in youth, the principles of a healthy lifestyle in society, and the continuous involvement of young geologists in the field in sports training.
According to the result of intellectual competitions:
1st place “Uzbek geology search” JSC
2nd place” Institute of Geology and Geophysics ” dm
3rd place” Institute of mineral Resources ” dm
On sports competitions:
Volleyball by Sport
1st place-JSC” Uzbekgeophysics”
2nd place – “Institute of Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields” dm
3rd place-dm “Institute of mineral Resources”
table tennis:
1st place – “Regionalgeology” DUK
2nd place-JSC “Uzbekgeophysics”
3-urin-dm” Institute of mineral Resources”
Chess competitions:
1st place “Urankamebmetgeology” JSC
2nd place “Uzbekgeologyapproved” JSC
3rd place “Uzbekgeophysics” JSC
Badminton competitions
1st place-dm “state geological information center”
2nd place-JSC” Urankamebmetgeology”
3 Place-JSC “Uzbekgeophysics”
By overall results between teams:
1st place-JSC” Uzbekgeophysics”
2nd places-JSC” Urankamebmetgeology”, JSC” Uzbekgeologyapproved”
3 Place-dm “Institute of mineral Resources”